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Spark: A One-Day Creative Mind Program

SKU 002


Upon finishing a compulsory complimentary meditation program, you'll transition into practicing your meditation techniques within a mindful environment. This option is tailored for individuals seeking respite from their hectic schedules and aiming to rediscover inner peace amidst a serene countryside setting.

The "Creative Mind" program offers numerous benefits, including discovering a universal remedy for common problems, gaining clarity in perception, and embarking on a journey of self-transformation through self-observation.

The initial step involves refraining from actions such as speaking falsely,stealing, killing, engaging in sexual activity and consuming intoxicants for the duration of the course. This straightforward code of ethical behavior helps pacify the mind, enabling it to engage in the practice of self-observation effectively. Following this, the next phase entails cultivating mastery over the mind by focusing one's attention on the natural rhythm of the breath, observing its constant flow as it enters and exits through the nostrils.

Your mind directs your thoughts, your heart guides your emotions, your body interprets your sensations, and your soul defines your existence. Consequently, your mind serves as the driving force for your existence.


Program includes

1. Ax technique

This technique is particularly beneficial for beginners as breathing comes naturally to us.

Concentrate fully on your breathing. Feel each breath, and pay attention to the sound as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils. Take slow, deep breaths. If your mind starts to drift, gently redirect your attention back to your breathing.


2. Vx Technique

This technique will help to focus  each part of your body, noting any sensations present. This could include feelings of pain, tension, warmth, sensation, or relaxation.


3. Wx Technique

This method serves as a healthy way to relax while walking. It's versatile, allowing you to practice it anywhere - whether in a forest, on a city sidewalk, or at the mall.


The program commences at 2 p.m. and concludes the following day at 5 p.m., spanning a total duration of 27 hours.




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